Yoga and Flavored Water for a Move in Progress

Today I have something exciting and a little different for you. A guest post by one of my very best friends and all time favorite yoga teachers, Alex Phelan, with some correlating recipe inspiration from me. Alex and I first met over 10 years ago when we studied abroad together in India, sharing a room, a host mother, and lots of adventures. Since then she’s returned to India to live and now, back in New York, is one of the most talented yoga teachers I have ever encountered. I’m no yogi, but I do try to practice at least once a week and I’ve had my fair share of yoga instructors over the years. I’m not joking when I say that Alex is my all time favorite teacher, and not just because we’re friends. Rather than giving vague instructions, Alex is able to explain things in a way that makes sense, and her soft touch is enough to put any askew muscles in the right place.

Alex does yoga

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Garlicky Roasted Chickpeas with Feta and Mint

This is my new favorite recipe. I would seriously eat it every day if I could. In fact, I would be eating it right now if I had remembered to pick up more chickpeas at the supermarket. The garlicky roasted chickpeas with feta and mint come together in under half an hour and besides being quick, vegetarian, and fairly healthy this is an amazingly delicious dish. So good that I’m skipping a Shout-Out Friday to share it with you. Continue reading “Garlicky Roasted Chickpeas with Feta and Mint”