Homemade Soda Recipes and a Giveaway

Not So Simple Syrup Giveaway

I have so much respect for anyone who starts their own business. To come up with a product or idea, test it, market it, send it out into the world – it’s exciting and scary, exhausting and exhilarating. Which is why I was so excited when my blogging buddy Heidi from Young Grasshopper told me that her and business partner Barbie were starting their own line of simple syrups, adorably called Not So Simple Syrup. A lover of cocktails and homemade simple syrups, Heidi sought to create an all-natural product in wonderful flavors that could be sold nationwide. After jumping through all the hoops required for selling food products (i.e. FDA approval), Not So Simple Syrup is almost ready to make a splash in the market. Continue reading “Homemade Soda Recipes and a Giveaway”

Blogiversary Giveaway: Magimix by Robot-Coupe Food Processor & Juicer Attachment

Can you believe it’s been two years? I started this blog on September 30, 2010 soon after moving to Israel. I wanted a fun and creative outlet to complement my professional writer website, and that’s exactly what I’ve gotten. 318 posts later I’ve grown as a writer, photographer, and recipe developer, and been introduced to an incredible community of passionate and talented bloggers. If you follow me you know that I rarely host giveaways (in fact, there’s only been one, this time last year), but I wanted to do something to thank you for reading my blog, sharing your tips, and bringing me joy. So I’ve got something exciting for you.

Magimix by Robot-Coupe Food Processor and Juicer Attachment Giveaway

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Mango-Orange Smoothie and a Mango Blog Hop

As much as I love breakfast, I’m a terrible breakfast eater. I know that all the research says that people who eat breakfast are smarter and skinnier. But most days I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m not hungry right when I wake up and since I work from home I typically linger for hours over my coffee while I start my day. And then it’s time to eat lunch! But I’ve been making an effort to eat breakfast, whether it’s a bit of oatmeal, yogurt and granola, or a bowl of cereal. Or smoothies. These have become my go to breakfast – quick and easy to make, full of nutrients, and just enough to tide you over until lunch.

Mango-Orange Smoothie with Chia Seeds

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Yoga and Flavored Water for a Move in Progress

Today I have something exciting and a little different for you. A guest post by one of my very best friends and all time favorite yoga teachers, Alex Phelan, with some correlating recipe inspiration from me. Alex and I first met over 10 years ago when we studied abroad together in India, sharing a room, a host mother, and lots of adventures. Since then she’s returned to India to live and now, back in New York, is one of the most talented yoga teachers I have ever encountered. I’m no yogi, but I do try to practice at least once a week and I’ve had my fair share of yoga instructors over the years. I’m not joking when I say that Alex is my all time favorite teacher, and not just because we’re friends. Rather than giving vague instructions, Alex is able to explain things in a way that makes sense, and her soft touch is enough to put any askew muscles in the right place.

Alex does yoga

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