Homemade Soda Recipes
Prep Time
Total Time
Using flavored simple syrup to make homemade soda at home couldn't be easier and is a refreshing, non-alcoholic treat for kids and adults alike.
Recipe Type: Drinks
Yield: 1
  • ¼ cup Not So Simple Syrup (lemon, blackberry, or strawberry)
  • 1 cup seltzer
  • Berries or sliced citrus for garnish (optional)
  1. Fill a glass with ice. Pour in the simple syrup, then the seltzer, and stir to thoroughly combine.
  2. Add berries or sliced orange or lemon if you wish. Serve immediately.
Gluten Free, Parve, Vegan, Vegetarian, Non-Alcoholic
Recipe by Katherine Martinelli at http://www.katherinemartinelli.com/blog/2013/homemade-soda-recipes-and-a-giveaway/